"Please don't think of us as an 'indie band' as it was never meant to be a genre, and anyway we are far too outward looking for that sad tag." - Stephen Pastel

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

Dia D (D de Discos)

No calendário do melómano esclarecido, o dia de hoje deve estar marcado com um círculo a marcador de cor viva. Porquê? São cinco os motivos - cinco discos que hoje aterraram nas prateleiras das melhores lojas. É a rentrée em todo o seu esplendor...

Popular Songs

  1. Here To Fall
  2. Avalon Or Someone Very Similar
  3. By Two's
  4. Nothing To Hide
  5. Periodically Double Or Triple
  6. If It's True
  7. I'm On My Way
  8. When It's Dark
  9. All Your Secrets
  10. More Stars Than There Are In Heaven
  11. The Fireside
  12. And The Glitter Is Gone

Mister Pop

  1. Loog
  2. Are You Really On Drugs?
  3. In The Dream Life U Need A Rubber Soul
  4. Asleep In The Tunnel
  5. Back In The Day
  6. Moon Jumper
  7. Factory Man
  8. Simple Fix
  9. Tensile
  10. All Those Notes

Everything Goes Wrong
[In The Red]

  1. Walking Alone At Night
  2. I Have No Fun
  3. Can't Get Over You
  4. The Desert
  5. Tension
  6. Survival
  7. The End
  8. When I'm Gone
  9. Out For The Sun
  10. I'm Not Asleep
  11. Double Vision
  12. You're My Guy
  13. Before I Start To Cry

The Visitor
[Drag City]

  1. The Visitor

In Prism

  1. Right The Relation
  2. D.C. Trails
  3. Beggar's Bowl
  4. City Birds
  5. Lucia
  6. Dream Residue/Work
  7. The Pedlar
  8. A Link In The Chain

2 comentários:

eduardo disse...

aparentemente todos são apeteciveis. Grande expectativa par os Polvo e a confirmação que os Yo la Tengo nunca falham.

Miss C. disse...

Destes, ainda só ouvi o novo dos Yo La Tengo e acho que está muito, muito bom!